Thursday, August 27, 2009

Obligatory Setup Post

I'm pretty terrible at convincing myself to sit down and start writing those long, update-on-my-life emails that I know a few people are going to want to start receiving in (let me count)... seven days (wait, I had to count that?), when I take off for college. My couple of long-distance friends who have, every now and then, waited for months on end to hear from me can attest to that. My thinking is that if I have a blog where I can tell all these stories just once for everybody, then I'll be more inclined to do it.

Also, one of my good friends started up a college blog here, and I'd really like to follow it.

I guess a third reason is that it could be interesting to have this little life story-sort-of-thing to look back on in the future. In that case, maybe we should lay down some baseline statistics:

NAME: Madison
ATTENDING: Knox College
EXPECTED MAJOR: Music composition? Maybe?
ALSO PLANNING TO STUDY: Creative writing, Japanese, and French

I guess there's really not much more to say until I get to school. Until then, it's packing, and that's unlikely to yield many interesting stories (not to mention that I'm still going to see in person a majority of the people who would care about this blog). I'll be back once I reach Illinois. :)