Monday, September 14, 2009


My printer came today! And so did my two new pairs of jeans, the fresh contacts that I'd left at home (I think I was technically supposed to change a few days ago, so that's a relief), and... whatever else was in that box. Useful little things. But also my printer!

I can't remember if I went to the mailroom two or three times today, waiting for the little yellow package slip to show up in my box. It finally did, and I took it up to the counter, elated that I'd FINALLY get to start the notebook collages that I've been collecting pictures for ever since I got here. Then they handed me a light little cardboard box from home that I knew contained the jeans/contacts/etc.

Very useful, but I can hardly print collage pictures out of pants. Just saying.

Since Dad told me over the weekend that according to the Internet, my printer had already been delivered, I gave the girl behind the counter a very sad look and told her that I really thought my printer was back there somewhere. She went and looked, and lo and behold, she came back with another box, this one with pictures of a printer all over it. 'Course, that box was half my size, and I had to lug it back to my room (up two different flights of stairs) with the other box balanced on top of it, but I made it, and I can now proudly say that the pictures for my notebook collages have been printed!

I can less-proudly say that in all the time I spent rearranging and resizing those pictures so they would nicely fill up two notebook covers (my FP notebook is just going to be flairs off Facebook), I somehow never accurately took into account the fact that the Word window on the computer is smaller than a piece of paper. Imagine my shock as the first thing that comes out of my new printer is an Itsuki Koizumi half the size of my head. ^^; I may have to reprint him... and all the other gigantic people I printed... but then again, maybe not. Maybe they'll work better this way. I'mma test them all out and see first before I go printing them "younger twin" siblings.

Anyway, here are the raw materials, in case you were curious:
I'll show you the actual collages when they're finished, but just for reference, the three notebooks are somewhat themed in terms of their pictures: The anime characters, with one exception, are for my Japanese notebook, the bands/singers/musical instruments are for my Music 101 notebook (including Ikuto with his violin, because that's musical - I wanted Nagato with her guitar and Utau singing with Black Diamond, too, but I couldn't find decent pictures), and as I said, the flairs are for my FP notebook (since it's all about conversations, and a lot of flairs - most if not all of the ones I picked out - are sharing an opinion as one would do in a conversation). I've cut out almost three pages so far, but that still leaves nine to go. I'm so looking forward to these, though...

Anyway, school related stuff. We got a ridiculously hard piece of homework in Music today: On Wednesday, we have to bring in a CD with our favorite song on it. She's going to listen to them, and then probably bring some out later in the term for us to analyze. I... I just... don't ever ask me to choose favorites! I don't knooooow! I guess "Patient Patient" by the Morning Benders is one of my favorites, but for me, at least, it kind of an acquired taste, and it's not overall a great snapshot of my musical style. The song I can't stop listening to right now is "My Boy" by Buono!, but I don't think I can seriously turn in an electro- J-pop song as my assignment in my classical music class - besides, I haven't had it long enough to constitute a "favorite song". I discovered recently that "Candy Pop" is like the world's greatest happy-pill, but half-English, half-Japanese bubblegum hip-hop? That's the weirdest yet. Nonono. Not happening.

It's more likely that I'll go with something off Imogean Heap's album Speak for Yourself. She's got a really cool style, and I've been listening to her a fair amount recently (not to mention that it seems like the artists I admire keep listing her as one of the artists they admire). Maybe "The Walk" or "Clear the Area" or "Loose Ends". Then I guess there's always old classics, like Bad Astronaut's "Minus", or other ones I got more recently, like Razorlight's "Golden Touch". Or, I could be totally different and awesome and give her a Kitaro song - "Shizuku" or "As the Wind Blows" or something. I do love Kitaro; he holds a very unique "favorite artist" spot for me, but he's definitely got one. And new-age might be easier to analyze along the lines of classical. But I mostly just listen to Kitaro when I'm writing or relaxing. Can I really count one of his as my favorite song?


Oh well, I'll figure that out tomorrow. All I have class-wise tomorrow is that late-afternoon preceptorial thing, which is a movie tomorrow (I can't remember which one). I'll have plenty of time for homework (I didn't do quite as much as I should have today, I have to admit), and hopefully I'll get to the fitness center again. And, of course, I'll carefully, precisely cut and glue little pictures. And find a way to make them all fit, and figure out what to do with the top of Nagihiko's inconveniently-cut-off head.

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