Sunday, September 20, 2009

Words, words...

I can't think of anything to write for my Talking Point for FP, so I'll do this instead. I like you guys more than that essay we're reading, anyway. Just let me go pick another Hello! Project song on YouTube and we'll get going.

I'm really on a J-pop kick right now. It all started with Buono!, and then I discovered the rest of Hello! Project (I'm sorry about all the exclamation points - please continue right through them; they love their punctuation marks); Morning Musume, Berryz Koubou, °C-ute... I've pretty much stuck with the big three so far, plus Buono!. It's all cute and fun and happy-making, and it's really easy to listen to while I do homework because I don't get distracted by the words if I can't understand them. My goal is to be able to understand them eventually, though.

But I highly doubt you checked my blog thinking, "Man, I really hope she goes off on a long spiel about Japanese pop music today." Therefore, let's talk about college instead. Or at least about life in general here, since it's the weekend, so there hasn't been all that much class stuff going on.

First and foremost, I've been feeling a little beat up these past few days. My voice is still shot (had I mentioned here yet that it's been kind of out all week? It hasn't been functioning quite properly starting, ironically, the day after I got my new guitar), and I've been coughing frequently and sneezing more than I would like. I haven't had a fever or anything, so I'm not crying flu, but I haven't been particularly energetic. Also, ever since last night, my side has been hurting. I have no idea why. My shoulder pain from a few days ago can be attributed to carrying that printer, but this side pain appeared after I had watched a movie. Man, that's some strenuous work, right there, movie watching. It's been driving me crazy today, but hopefully it'll go away by tomorrow. I'm just bummed that it stopped me from going back to the fitness center this weekend.

Instead, I wound up at the library today. Our library is pretty awesome - it looks kind of like a castle from the outside, and it feels kind of like a small Hogwarts inside. Except that when I walked into the room I studied in, I thought I caught the faint scent of a gerbil cage. Then again, I didn't notice it after a few minutes, and when I walked back into the main library, I thought I smelled French toast, so I'm not sure my sense of smell is entirely to be trusted.

While I was there, though, I spent a little over an hour working on my Katakana. We'll start learning Katakana in Japanese class soon, and judging by how quickly we went through the Hiragana, I'll be very happy to be a bit ahead. I finished going through all the symbols in the workbook I brought from home, and I wrote in my own little memory tricks under the diagrams. They're really handy little tricks that the rest of the class probably wouldn't understand (for example, "kYOn's desk is right in front of Haruhi's"; "HIroki may go sit in the corner"; "TOno carries his sword everywhere"; "RAn is very loud"; "YUu always drops his books"; "Tadase will RUle the world!" - I'm especially proud of my joint trick for KU and TA, which only my sister will get and I'll have to draw for her sometime). Then I abruptly remembered the vocab quiz tomorrow morning, but I found out that I already know all the words on the list (let me tell you, I know the word "denwa" - I don't have any strong feelings about telephones in general, but that happens to be one of my favorite words, thanks to "Kyon-kun, denwa").

What else... Well, I finished the second of my collage notebooks. This one's for Music:
I'm happy with the way it came out. What a combination: Charlotte Sometimes, Lenka, The Hush Sound, the cast of Le Roi Soleil, and Ikuto with his violin. Okay, so he's a little out of place, but I love the brightness the giant moon adds to the whole thing, so he got to stay. Also, I'm really on with this motif thing (the cherry blossoms and butterflies one the Japanese notebook, and now the stars on this one). They're such a pain to plan out and glue on, but they make it so much more fun!

Oh, here's a funny story: Down in the mailroom, there are these little signs pinned up and in everyone's mailboxes saying that if you make things that you want to sell in the bookstore, you can do so. My natural instinct, of course, was, "Ooh, what artistic hobby should I start right now so I can sell stuff?" But I sadly decided that it was probably not a practical idea and went back to my room. Laura was there, and when I came in, she excitedly brought me over to show me something: That same piece of paper. Apparently, she had the same reaction. We joked about glueing together the packing peanuts from the box I had picked up and trying to sell them.

Speaking of that box, it brought Firefly to me, and I intend to show it to Laura as soon as we have time. I reminded her of that at breakfast yesterday, and Brett heard and got excited. Apparently, someone had lent Firefly and Serenity to him a while ago, but he hadn't bothered to watch them yet (so sad, ne?), so I said he should watch, too. And then as I was trying to explain to him why Serenity was good, but just couldn't possibly fill in all the holes Firefly left after its abrupt cancellation, Kylie joined in. And Blair knew Buffy, I think (so did Brett - he explained to Laura that Spike is the best character). So now I'm excited - hopefully we'll get a little Firefly party together next weekend and go watch a few episodes.

Also concerning mail, I'm expecting my last couple of packages this week. As soon as I get the last bits of decoration done in my room (the coming posters will play a part in that), I'll take a picture and show you. I've done pretty well at keeping it clean so far, so I'll have to make sure and at least keep it nice for the photo.

Ugh, I wanted to get to bed around now. I'm so tired, but I still have stuff I need to doooo... kind of... I can do it tomorrow, actually...

But let me finish up real quick. I only have a couple more stories I wanted to tell. First off, I didn't get to a store this weekend. Kelsey, the girl with a car who drove us to the store when we got my guitar, was gone all weekend visiting her mom in Chicago, so I didn't really have anyone to ask for a ride. Hopefully I can go sometime this week - I'd really rather not wait until the weekend to get my stuff. My list is growing.

Also, I did something absolutely horrible today: I went to brush a piece of eraser dust off of my Japanese notebook, and I got a spot of water on Tadase's head. At which I freaked out and got it off as quickly as I could. It's pretty much fixed. Catastrophe basically averted.

So yeah, not all that much of interest. I realize now that this entry was basically one really long string of references. I guess to some of you, it's mostly, as Hamlet put it, words. Words, words, WYYYOOOUURDS.

Yes, that was a reference, too. At least this time, it was to classic literature. Well, a move adaptation of classic literature. Gilderham Locklet. AP English 12 had its awesome moments.

...I really need to sleep now... g'night, everyone...


  1. Aaahh, you're so funny, Madison. ;) I like your blog.

    I love your notebooks! I ought to do that too; hmm. Oh, you reminded me: I'M GETTING A FIREFLY POSTER!!! Wheeheeheeheehee! It's got the lyrics of the opening song on it, and a picture of Mal. Sadly it's only 11-by-17 inches, but hey, it's Firefly.

  2. I'm very glad you're entertained. XD I do have fun recording all the thoughts that run through my head.

    It's really fun to have notebooks with your personality glued all over them. I want to see pictures of yours, too, if you make them! Also, yay for the Firefly poster! That's so awesome! I agree, a small Firefly poster is better than no Firefly poster, by all means.
